FarmBooks Release Notes

Dec 17, 2020
Software Upgrade to This Version Reminder

If you have previously upgraded to version, then you can download this version from the help menu by selecting the option “Download Software Update”. If you have already updated to, then contact support to obtain this version of the update and review the critical notice below.
Database Conversion

No conversion required from 4069.
General Changes to the Application

2021 Tax Table Rates Included with Release
If you have not downloaded the tax rates for 2021, you will not be required to download it. However, it will be necessary to apply the tax table to your database by selecting option “Have Already Installed from CD or Previous Download” from the Advanced Steps->Step # 2 OR simply run the “Complete ALL Year-End Tasks” from the Year-End menu.
Identifying the final version of and the Corrective Actions Recommended

After the release version, three critical issues were identified and fixed. Use the chart below to determine what version you upgraded “from” and “to”. This will determine the actions required after installing the final version of which has a copyright end date of 2021. See the note related to your installation path.
Note Instructions
1, 4
Upgrade to the latest version of with a copyright end date of 2021. Run Fix for KS State Rates and Data Analysis.
Upgrade to latest version of with a copyright end date of 2021. Run the fix via Data Analysis.
3, 5, 6
No Action Required.
Kansas State Tax Rate Correction

Important Notice for users ONLY: If you have previously upgraded to and use KS state tax rates, than it is critical that you upgrade your software version to because the KS married tax rate percentage is incorrect and is fixed in this version. Also, you will need to run the tax table update from the advanced steps from the year-end menu and select Step #2 while the farm database is closed after installing the new version
To run the fix, close the farm database and then go the Year-End menu and select “Advanced Steps”->Step 2 Update Tax Table and select option “Download via Internet Connection” and select all farm database that do payroll to apply the change to the selected database.
Data Analysis

In version, a new ATIG code group 0044 was added for Health Insurance. ATIG code 0441 was incorrectly changed from “ADDITIVES,SALTS/MIN.” to “HEALTH INSURANCE”. Also, its association to inventory was dropped hence it will not show on inventory reports or the balance sheet. The data analysis fix was added to 4070 with copyright end date of 2021. This version will restore the ATIG Feed Purchased 0441 back to “ADDITIVES,SALTS/MIN.” along with its inventory classification.
To run the fix, go to the “Detail Register” tab and press the “Analyze” button to run the data analysis process to correct the issue.
Report Printer

Transaction Journal
The print icon on the preview window was disabled. To resolve this issue, it required a report printer to be defined in the preference settings for the application. Now, it is not necessary to define a report printer. This manual setting is only required if is the final version installed. Updating to any version of will automatically correct the issue.
To added a report printer for the application, from the file menu select “Preferences”. Go to the “Printer” tab and define a report printer.